Our A puppies are celebrating their 3rd birthday today! We wish you all the best Kirinko, Tejko, Trishko, Arty and Matysku!
Naše Áčková parta dnes slaví už 3. narozeniny! Všechno nejlepší Kirinko, Tejko, Trishko, Artíku a Matýsku!!!
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Today our A-puppy - Awesome Kira Crazy Fellow passed dogdancing exam HTM1 with the points: excellent, we are soo proud :)
Dnes složila Awesome Kira Crazy Fellow (naše áčková slečna) dogdancingovou zkoušku HTM1 na výborně, jsme moc pyšní :)
Kirinka (na fotce vlevo)
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On Saturday 9th of May me and Rori competed in the highest class 3 in Hungarian Open in Kiskunlachaza. Our routine was from the Disney´s Frozen - song Let it Go from Demi Lovato :)
Rori was excellent, the first half of our routine we did almost without a mistake, unfortunatelly the second half Rori...
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We have to share the successes of our A litter :) /Musíme se podělit o úspěchy našeho Áčkového vrhu :)
Awesome Kira - DKK 0/0, DLK 0/0, OCD clear!!!
Allasea Trisha - Agility A2 - V2!!! Video link
Auro Matteo - Agility - moved to A2 :o)
Awesome Kira - Dogfrisbee -...
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Today Rori and me passed the dogdancing exam Heelwork to Music 2 :)S Rori jsme dnes složily dogdancingovou zkoušku Heelwork to Music 2 :)
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Rori and me were again nominated in the competition "Kynolog of the year 2014" in cathegory Dogdancing :) You can vote for us here: https://www.kynologroku.cz/hlasovani
Rori a já jsme byly opět nominovány v soutěži "Kynolog roku 2014" v kategorii Dogdancing :) Pokud nás chcete podpořit hlasem,...
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